Workplace Gender Equality Action Plan

Council is made up of a diverse workforce of just over 1000 employees across many different work areas. The Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025 (GEAP) is the result of extensive consultation and collaboration with our workforce and other key stakeholders. Our GEAP complements our broader diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to foster a work environment where all employees can fully and equally participate, pursue their aspirations and achieve their goals without being inhibited by gender-based bias or other forms of discrimination.

The achievement of gender equality in all areas of life, including employment, is critical to improving the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. Countries with higher levels of gender equality experience social benefits and lower levels of gender-based violence. Family and gendered violence is a widespread problem in Australia and a serious violation of human rights. We remain committed to playing our part in reducing family and gendered violence, and our GEAP will supplement our family violence prevention and community inclusion work as articulated in our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-25 (incorporated into our Council Plan 2021-25) and Inclusive Banyule 2022-26 (at draft stage, April 2022).

The GEAP is an obligation arising from the Gender Equality Act 2020. The plan as published may be subject to change following feedback from the Gender Equality Commission.