Bushland and biodiversity

Wilson Reserve landscape

Park rangers within the Bushland Management team protect and enhance biodiversity along 3 natural wildlife corridors: the Yarra River, Plenty River and Darebin Creek. Additionally, they conserve several isolated but significant bushland reserves throughout Banyule.

Managing these reserves is vital to maintain robust ecosystems that protect local indigenous plants and wildlife from further decline or extinction.

Protecting biodiversity

The main threats to biodiversity in Banyule are:

  • competition from weeds
  • habitat fragmentation through urbanisation
  • human-created waste and rubbish
  • death and competition from pest animals
  • lack of suitable tree hollows
  • climate change.

Our rangers play an integral role in protecting and enhancing biodiversity through:

  • weed control
  • ecological burning
  • monitoring flora and fauna populations
  • planting and direct seeding indigenous flora species
  • installing nesting boxes for fauna
  • controlling pest fauna populations.

Managing our bushland properly is crucial for building robust ecosystems, especially in the context of a changing climate.

Explore our bushland reserves

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Identification tools

Native fauna poster

Indigenous flora poster

Banyule's native flora poster(PDF, 2MB)

The VICFLORA database provides illustrated plant profiles and identification tools to help you.

Vegetation community map

Wetlands, waterways and wildlife corridors poster

Consult our Vegetation Communities in Banyule publication for a detailed, research-based identification tool.

Why we do what we do

Woody weed removal

Introduced trees and shrubs can become weedy as seeds are carried and dispersed by wildlife. As the majority of wildlife populations resides along our river systems and green corridors, weeds have the potential to spread quickly.

The tree canopy contains much of our ecosystem’s habitat. Small weedy patches are removed, leaving much of the canopy intact, and with indigenous species planted in the cleared area to revegetate. New plants are allowed to establish before the next section of woody weeds are removed. Over time, this results in the reestablishment of locally indigenous trees and the eradication of introduced trees. Local wildlife populations are not negatively affected by this canopy removal process.

Conducting controlled burns

Fire is crucial to keep many of Australia’s ecosystems healthy, and is a huge contributor to rich biodiversity. The Wurundjeri and other indigenous mobs used fire as a tool to manage the land. The chemical properties in smoke encourage some dormant indigenous seeds to germinate in the soil and some eucalypt species to open their seed pods. Fire also burns away leaf litter and old thatch from vegetation, leaving open patches for indigenous seeds to germinate. This can become a problem when the seed bank has become weed infested.

We use spot burning for weed control in sites where hand-weeding and herbicide spraying are not appropriate. Weedy annual grasses have small root systems as they concentrate all their energy into foliage growth. This makes it easier to control patches over a couple of years of follow-up burning.

Burning at different times of year helps to achieve different outcomes: cool burns throughout winter and spring can be used for weed control, whereas hot burns at the beginning of autumn are often used for thatch removal and species rejuvenation.

Nesting boxes in trees

Many old growth trees were felled at European settlement, and there are not many left old enough to have formed large hollows. Small hollows suitable for sugar gliders and small birds take around 100 years to form, while large hollows required for possums and large birds can take up to 300.

In the absence of required habitat, we help volunteer groups to construct nest boxes for a range of species. Boxes have been installed in reserves where there is a lack of old growth trees.

This helps in the movement of species throughout our wildlife corridors, and provide shelter from the elements, predators and a safe breeding places.